My oh my, I had so much fun reading all the beautiful treasures you bestowed upon me! I loved every single minute of reading those little bits of love...some were very touching, some were very profound, some were very sweet, and some made me giggle :) It was so wonderful making new friends and seeing some of the old ones too! What a generous helping of love and attention, thank you so, so, much!!
Now I have to say, Mrs. Raven was not very cooperative with this pulling of the slip, she had her own ideas on how this whole giveaway should go. She was a little perturbed since all she has on her mind as of late is building her winter nest, but I can't say I blame her, the days are getting chillier aren't they?! But after much coaxing she did manage to pluck a name from the teapot but I had to promise that we would all have our Autumn Tea afterwards :)
So here we go.... she pulled.... Down the Rabbit Hole ~ Selia!! To get the Winter Wish Banner ~*~*~**~~*~*~*~*~*~*
But Mrs Raven, was having waayyy too much fun.... so before I knew it... oh dear... she pulled another slip, oh my gosh, what to do, what to do?!!!..... I remembered, I have a JOY banner that needs a new home, ok... that's good.... So Tracee and Lilliput, I'm sending a little "JOY" your way!
But oh no, I went to put the kettle on and when I came back, oh dear, oh my... not you too Hannah?!!..... Alas, I have a few other little shiny things I can send to these sweet girls that I'm sure they will enjoy.... Paula, Anita, Viv, Lady Farmer, Diane from Diane's Musings!
Thank you ladies for playing along with me!! hehehe!! I truly wish I could send a lil' something to everyone...I'm sure I will be doing more giveaways in the future and would love to see you all again!
And to the ladies on the slips please send me your email addy to mine at and I will get your little parcel ready to fly~*~*~*~*~*~*
Hope you all enjoy your weekend and all of Autumn's Blessings!
Thank goodness for my sweet Hannah, she has been quite helpful in gathering all the pretty names for tomorrow!
Mrs. Raven will be joining us tomorrow and insists on pulling the little slip, she did say something about starting a "winter nest" so I will have to keep an eye on her ;)
Make sure you tune in tomorrow... I think she may have a few more surprises under her "wing" ;)
Love to you all for your beautiful quotes, words, sentiments, poetry... We had the most delightful time reading them!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you from the bottom of my grateful heart xoxoxo
See you tomorrow!!
Mrs Raven prefers Potter to Poe these days, a tad lighter reading, I would say :)
Thank you so much for stopping in today!!! I am so glad you found your way to Wren Cottage....because....I have a little surprise for you.... a GIVEAWAY!!! BUT.... there is a "wittle" catch.... If you've been here before or have taken a peek at my flick'r album you will know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Quotes, Poems, and well, just plain words will do...DREAM, INSPIRE, LOVE... I'm not really good with them so I can really appreciate it when I read a beautiful poem or makes my little heart sing and my mind just floats into a happy, dreamy place...ahhhh... So the catch to this giveaway is, leave me your favorite quote or as simple as your favorite word by November 5th and you will be entered into my giveaway! I hope you like the glittery banners because the giveaway is "WINTER * WISH" ~ I hope this will be tempting enough for you to leave me your favorite!!
and the words are just flying off the pages.....on the wings of a butterfly~*~*~*~~**
My Abraham Darby surprised me this morning with two more blooms, the scent was stronger to me than in the summer, maybe because I know that I won't be seeing them for awhile now that old man winter will be here before we know it.
I was inspired to decorate the back of my chair by my super sweet friend Tiffany you have to stop by her blog and etsy, I love the way she embellishes her world!!! She was featured recently in the "Cloth, Paper, Scissors" Special Studios Edition Magazine, CONGRATULATIONS sweetie!! Fly over there and take a peek at her world, you'll never want to leave :)!!
And in this photo you can also see the WINTER * WISH banner~*~*~*~* :)
It's been really busy for me lately and I apologize if I haven't stopped by to visit, but life will be getting back to normal one of these days and I will be flying over to visit your little worlds!!!
I am so glad you stopped by! I will be posting the winner on November 8th... soooooooooo make sure to leave me your email address so I can notify you!!
hugs*~*~*~*~* And may your days be filled with SpArkly anD GlitTeRy HaPpiNesS~*~*~*~
Hello all my sweet "little pumpkins"! :) Isn't Autumn time just deeeelicious?!! Ahhhh... the brisk cooler weather... the tapestry of the changing leaves, the aroma of pumpkin pies, the harvest moon, and my favorite no mosquitoes, yayyy!!.... life is good!! So get out there....
{thank you Tiffany for my little "pumpkins" tag :) xo}
and take it all in!!! Isn't it all so glorious?!!!
Met a lovely sweetie named Lulu and she makes such beautiful jewelry in her little castle :) Look at these magical earrings she made me, they are fabulous!!! LOVE them!! Thank you Lulu!!
Stop by her website and see all the lovelies she makes!!
Autumn on the wing....
"Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn."
- Elizabeth Lawrence
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has a cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
~ Albert Schweitzer
Even if it's to my sweet friend Carola's, Boxwood Cottage in Germany...
I felt like you were with me as I opened the "friendship parcel" you sent, I swear I could almost hear your voice, telling me what every little thing was, just like you do on flickr and your blog, it was really cute, lol :)
I loved every little bit from start to finish. You put so much care and detail into everything...and the priceless gift of a dear friend was the most enjoyable of all...
Thank you!!!
All the things we share in common were in the parcel....
You know how much I admire your soldered pendants...your workmanship is just perfection!! I love them...
Friendship Seeds from your BEAUTIFUL garden to mine... I just know they will grow since they came from your "enchanted" garden!
LOOK at the packaging!! Too PRECIOUS!! ~ Rococo Pansies!!! woohoo!!!
This is just beautiful... It was all tucked in the sweet cone you hand made... It was so fun to pull it out and see that I can wear it in my hair or as a pin/brooch... you clever girl ;)It is GORGEOUS!!
Been wanting a cone for the longest time ... it is soooo pretty!!! I love the color and all the gold dresden details and the scalloped edge...
Another Carola original... " A Token of Friendship" Card/Collage... LOVE!!! & the pretty lace... I tell you, you spoiled me :)
I am so enchanted with this little girl... she really does make me so happy!!
The little red box is adorable and had the cutest bird button tucked inside... I love the "Tinted Shea Butter Balm", yummy, I have never seen anything like it here and the "Eau des Vanillers" is just heavenly....
I also loved the German Magazine, oh my, so much "eye candy"! ~ thank goodness for the pictures since I can only understand "Wilkomen", lol!!! and all the beautiful dresden and little cutouts... I just adored everything!
THANK YOU dear, dear glad you are only a click away... :)
xoxoxoxo ~
Delighted You Are Here!
forget me nots from wren cottage
"Oh, it makes such a difference. It looks so much nicer. When you hear a name pronounced can't you always see it in your mind, just as if it was printed out? I can; and A-n-n looks dreadful, but A-n-n-e looks so much more distinguished. If you'll only call me Anne spelled with an "E", I shall try to reconcile myself to not being called Cordelia."
You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. ~C.S. Lewis
I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.~Jane Austen
One's home is like a delicious piece of pie you order in a restaurant on a country road one cozy evening - the best piece of pie you have ever eaten in your life - and can never find again. After you leave home, you may find yourself feeling homesick, even if you have a new home that has nicer wallpaper and a more efficient dishwasher than the home in which you grew up. ~Lemony Snicket
"The sweetest flower that blows, I give you as we part. For you it is a Rose, For me it is my heart." ~ Frederick Peterson 1859-1938
"I must warn you, Miss Potter, I am more than prepared to like you!" ~Millie Warne
About me
I've loved creating since I was a child..I was blessed to have had very loving & creative parents ~ my father was a chef & the most wonderful of storytellers! Mom was an accomplished seamstress who loved making clothes for all the family & neighbors, a generous soul. They say that what one loves in childhood stays in the heart forever & that is so very true! I love hosting tea parties, gardening, painting & playing with scissors, papers & glue. Sharing is a big part of who I am ~ I put my heart into everything I do, whether it is friendships, crafting, or in day to day endevours. I find inspiration in the written word: poetry,quotes or a special letter from a friend that can make your day or maybe even change your life. I love beautiful music & friends like TiffanyJane who has been the encouragement behind starting this blog :)~ I'm married to my best friend...we love all things in nature but have a special place in our hearts for birds & butterflies. We love to go on nature walks & are always on the lookout for gifts from nature, whether in a park or a walk in our neighborhood. I'm so very grateful for my little fairy tale...